Authenticity Intraprises and Enterprises use the Lean Canvas method for defining the value proposition of their enterprise to investors and other interested parties.
Lean Canvas Outline:
Applying the Lean Canvas...
1.The Problem
Law firms of all sizes have become appealing targets for hackers for multiple reasons. They are one-stop shops for valuable confidential information such as trade secrets, business transactions, insider information, social security numbers, financial information and more. Cyber criminals are also attracted to law firms’ large trust accounts. Add to this the fact that law firms are known for relatively lax data security compared to financial institutions, which have long been prime targets, and the urgent need for coordinated, firm-wide cybersecurity practices becomes obvious.
In today’s mobile, collaborative legal environments, any workforce productivity orcybersecurity strategy is incomplete without a secure content collaboration platform (alsoreferred to as Enterprise File Sync & Share (EFSS) solutions). Attorneys need anytime, anywhere document access and collaboration across all their devices – especially for the most sensitive files – to keep pace with the demands of their profession. They also need to keep those files safe.
2. Customer Segments
AuthentiLaw’s customers are law firms and others such as MSPs that provide IT services to law firms.
3. Unique Value Proposition
Security technology based upon the flawed assumptions behind catch-the-bad-guys approach is not working. By contrast, security that is built upon the accountability of PKI identity certificates that carry measures of their own reliability - actually works.
4. Solution
PKIDR replaces security technology based upon the flawed assumptions behind catch-the-bad-guys traditional security technology with security based upon identity reliability and accountability, implemented in a technology, and methodology, PKIDR, that actually delivers security, privacy and accountability.
5. Unfair Advantage
The default information infrastructure provided to law firms, that is, the default information infrastructure provided to everyone, comes from a set of institutions we call “Silibandia,” a portmanteau of Silicon Valley, the broadband industry and the media industry. Silibandia depends for its revenue on the ability to capture information about user locations, relationships, activities, and financial standing – at all times. While Silibandia doesn’t set out to impose itself into relationships between law firms and their clients, it cannot afford to show users how things can be different. Silibandia will never compete with AuthentiLaw because Silibandia wishes that the benefits delivered by AutthentiLaw would not exist.
6. Revenue Streams
Revenue from the end user organization, which is shared with the MSP, is generated by Authenticity In The Enterprise™ initial and ongoing services including
7. Cost Structure
The cost of maintaining a world class certification authority in the privacy-protected jurisdiction of Geneva, Switzerland, and the network of Attestation Officers (Notary Signing Agents) is shared among all member enterprises of The Authenticity Alliance, including AuthentiLaw.
8. Key Metrics (KPIs)
9. Channels
The marketing channels for AuthentiLaw will be determined by its CEO. We anticipate that they may include legal service providers and legal MSPs.